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Coaching Packages

Are you Ready to Take Action?

Everyone has their own beliefs about what’s possible in their lives – these are formed from our previous experiences. Some may no longer apply and are limiting your possibilities.

It is difficult to see our own blind spots. Coaching can be the difference that makes the difference – as a guide and catalyst, my coaching enables you to focus your attention where it will have the most impact, on the things you can change and want to have in your life. Together we will clarify your goals, create action plans that break it all down into manageable steps, then support you to successfully reach your desired outcomes .

You are unique and your journey is unlike anyone else’s. The coaching packages below are designed to address and transform specific life challenges. The proven techniques are then customised to you. Book your ‘discovery’ call to find out how we can work together to create the best package for you.

My coaching style draws on three decades of professional experience in recovery and personal development, to enable clients to focus forwards and move beyond their past experiences to claim the future they dream of.

Find out how I can help you by speaking with me today!

Reviews of my coaching can be found on Google business

Book your FREE Discovery Call

Get in touch with me today and discover how I can help you achieve your goals.


How to manifest the life you secretly desire

Are you Ready to Take Action?

Intense, power package to get you back into the driving seat of your life.

£ 175

  • Pre-session tasks assess your current situation and your desired outcomes. This focuses your attention where it is most needed.

  • DISC personality assessment plus analysis of the female archetypes currently dominant in your life – unlocks your potential as a leader, improves your communication at work and at home, and can lead you to unlock the deeper insights of self-awareness.

  • Online 1-2-1 session (90 mins) including guided visualisation of the life you want to step into

  • Customised action plan - the steps that will take you there

  • Follow-up (online) 1-2-1 session (60 mins)
  • Sleep Well – Relief from Insomnia.

    Improve the quality of your sleep for better health & well-being

    £ 295

    The quality of your sleep impacts on your mood, performance and long-term health.

    This coaching program identifies those factors which may be contributing to your insomnia and provides a customised, evidence-based package (incl hypnotherapy.) to bring you relief with all the benefits of better quality sleep.

  • Pre-session assessment of your current insomnia & sleep difficulties

  • Personalised hypnosis audio for better sleep

  • 3 x 1-2-1 Therapeutic, Hypno-Coaching sessions online (50 mins each)
  • Relief from Anxiety, Stress, PTSD & Trauma with the Rewind Technique

    £ 295

    The Rewind Technique is a tried-and-tested approach to treating PTSD and phobias comfortably and quickly

    For many years, severe anxiety-based conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder or phobias were considered treatable only through long, painful exposure therapy, and in some cases, not at all.

    Now, thankfully, we have access to a comfortable, effective treatment – the Rewind Technique - that can greatly reduce, and even remove, traumatic or phobic symptoms quickly.

    Many people with trauma or phobias have been treated using approaches which drag them back through the experience again; a highly unpleasant thing to have to do.
    The Rewind technique does not need you to go over the traumatic incident(s) again, and I do not in fact even need to know the details of what happened to you.

    If you are suffering from PTSD or phobias please book in a free discovery call so I can tell you anything else you need to know.

    Mental Fitness for a Vibrant Life – Learning to Thrive when life throws major challenges in your way.

    £ 1244 ( NB: special offer available April/May. Limited spaces. Book a call to discuss)

    12 week coaching programme for life changing results

    As you get older, are you finding it is becoming harder to feel healthy and enthusiastic about life?

    Are you adjusting to your children leaving home? or maybe to adult children not leaving home?

    Does your once satisfying career feel as if it has reached its sell by date but you’re not sure you should risk leaving it to do something different?

    On top of managing your own life are you managing anxieties about the declining health and independence of ageing parents? maybe with the added difficulties of communicating with your siblings about the best way to do this?

    Are you experiencing a ‘grey’ divorce and wondering how you got here?

    As we mature, it’s easy to become overwhelmed by the demands piling up from all the different areas of our lives. This can interrupt your sleep, your metabolism and your energy levels, leaving you feeling old, no longer your best self and without much enthusiasm for the future.

    Here’s the good news – you can turn this time of major life transitions, into a gift and opportunity. By strengthening your mental fitness you can handle all of life’s challenges from a more positive mindset with less stress and distress. You are never to old to learn new ways of being. The result is a happier, healthier more vibrant you.

    This 12 week program strengthens the part of your brain that serves you and quiets the part that sabotages you, using breakthrough, research-based tools that literally help you rewire your brain. This easy-to-use, app-based, brain retraining is combined with 1-2-1 hypnotherapy coaching so that you have a clear, compelling vision of the future you want to step into.

    Living your life with purpose, clarity and self-love is energising and fulfilling.

    Three months from now your whole life could be better - can you afford not to do this?

    Book in a free discovery call so I can tell you anything else you need to know.

    Now available: book here for online group coaching

    Clarify your intentions and goals in any area of your life, get motivated, focus your energy and resources, make a plan and play to your strengths.

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